According to UCLA-affiliated research, three out of four garages are too full to store cars. Many of us have too much stuff in our garages. It would be better if we got rid. This not only frees up space but also lowers anxiety. A cluttered home can cause more stressful activities. You might be able to reuse or recycle some items before you throw away everything.
Pesticides & Herbicides
Pesticides and herbicides were two items that we kept on a shelf high in our garage. These items are household hazardous materials (HHW) and must be properly disposed of. You should check to see if your county or city HHW facility accepts pesticides that have expired. Check your county or city waste department if you don’t have an existing HHW facility. Many counties and cities will host at least one HHW event every year.
Although it may seem tempting to flush any remaining water down the drain, this is not recommended. These contaminants can be difficult to remove from water in many cities. Drop off your container at your HHW facility if you have used up all of the liquid. These containers were contaminated with hazardous chemicals and cannot be recycled at a regular plastic recycling facility. They must be treated first before being recycled.
Power Tools
Although it may seem obvious, it is important to remember that if your power tools still work, you can either sell or donate them to allow others to continue using them. You can repair the tool if it is not working. You may only need to replace one piece in some cases to keep the tool running. Are you unsure where to find the part? Fix.com will help you find the right part. These guys will help you locate any piece that you may need for your tools and appliances.
However, if the tool is beyond its useful life expectancy, you can recycle it. First, contact the manufacturer. Sometimes they will take the device back for recycling. You can recycle the battery if that fails. This is because it’s the most harmful part of the tool to the environment. It is usually easy since many places accept lithium-ion batteries. This is the same type of power tool that uses it.
Motor Oil & Automotive Fluids
I was a teenager when I drove a 1973 Ford Pinto. As a teenager, I drove a 1973 Ford Pinto. I did a lot of work on it myself and was always looking for ways to recycle the automotive fluids that I had pulled from the car. Motor oil is a relatively easy item to recycle. Nearly all auto shops in the United States will accept it for recycling. Always call ahead if you aren’t sure. It can be more difficult to recycle other fluids like antifreeze or transmission fluid. To find out if there is a place in your area that accepts these fluids, use the Earth911 Recycle Search.
Other automotive parts
We also get asked about batteries and car tires. It is now much easier to recycle both of these items. Nearly every auto parts store accepts car batteries for recycling. Battery Recycling Plus Bulbs has been a company I have used many times.
Many projects have been done to recycle tires and make them into planters. This is a great way to reuse old tires for the short term, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The rubber will slowly degrade and release different chemicals into your environment. Reuse is better than recycling. Your local tire shop is the best place to start. Many of these shops will take your tires for recycling. You can also use the Earth911 Recycle Search to locate a local option.
Bicycles are built to last. It’s easy to repair broken parts. You can either sell or donate your bike if you are done with it, or your children outgrow it. You can dispose of the bike if it is not used for any reason. Take off the tubes and tires, and then drop the frame off at the local scrap yard. They will recycle the metal. You can also find a few DIY projects that use bike tubes and tires on Pinterest. For local recycling opportunities, you can call your local bike shop, or car tire recycling location, or enter your zip code in Earth911. For upcycling opportunities, check out Alchemy Goods and Green Guru.
Paint is considered hazardous household waste, just like pesticides. First, consider donating any paint that is still in good condition to recycle. Call your local HHW facility, or search the Earth911 recycle database. If you don’t have any options and have latex paint you can throw it away in a landfill. You will need to first remove the lid and allow the paint to dry before you throw it out. You can recycle paint cans in many cities, but you should check with your local recycling service before you put a paint can into your recycling bin.
Outdoor Gear
We had five children so we had lots of outdoor gear. There was much outdoor gear, including boogie boards and skateboards as well as croquet sets, soccer balls, croquet sets, surfboards, and tents. You can either sell or donate the item if it has more life than you need. There are many reuse opportunities for outdoor gear. AMC Outdoors has some great suggestions for upcycling general outdoor gear. These are some resources to help you recycle or upcycle these items.
Outdoor Tools
There are several options for gardening tools that have reached the end of their useful life. You can repair the tool if it is damaged. I have repaired many outdoor tools, including rakes and shovels. Most parts can be found at your local home improvement shop. There are many DIY projects that can be done if you don’t have the time or desire to repair it. These range from simple jobs to more complex projects that require extensive metal work. These are some great projects that you can try. You can also disassemble the tool and take it to scrap yards if you don’t want to do any DIY projects. Wood handles for outdoor tools are often chemically treated to ensure they last longer. You won’t have the option to throw them away in a yard waste bin or compost bin.
Most coolers look easy to recycle since they are almost all made of plastic. Coolers are made of multiple types of plastic and come in many layers. It is therefore very difficult and expensive to recycle coolers. If your cooler is in good condition, you can donate it to a local nonprofit, Boy Scout troop, or other organization.
Unfortunately, these coolers cannot be recycled. They will be thrown away if they aren’t usable. Let us know if you know of a way to recycle them. You can drop off your Styrofoam cooler at any Styrofoam recycle location.
Propane Tanks
Earth911 has received many requests for assistance in recycling old propane tanks. Most people were looking for ways to recycle small propane tanks that are used for hiking and camping. Coleman used a tool to make it easy to let go of all the pressure in every tank it sold. This made them safe for scrap metal recyclers. This program was ended due to poor acceptance from scrap metal recyclers.
Call all local scrap metal recyclers if you have any propane tanks. Because they have the right tools to recycle these tanks, some of them will take them in. You can ask the seller where you bought the propane tank if they offer a take-back program. Check with your local HHW facility to find out if they accept them.