Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) can be difficult to use. Google Ads combined with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a powerful way to increase traffic to your site and generate leads. This will result in more cars being sold. A good campaign is very beneficial for your dealership. However, a bad one can waste time and money.
We recommend that you obtain a certification if you have the necessary time. Google Ads Academy
This course provides information and tutorials on how to make the most of Google Ads. You will receive a certificate for completing your training.
This blog is for you if you don’t want to spend the money on a Google Ads Certification. This guide will help you get going. Continue reading to find out how to choose keywords, write ad text, increase your Ad Rank, and get the most from your campaign.
Create your account
Create an account for your dealership on Google Ads. It is recommended that you separate your Google account from your account to create one for your car dealership. It shouldn’t be difficult to set up your account.
Choose your keywords. Use Google Keyword Planner for ideas and to find out what the most popular searches are. You should update your campaign regularly because keywords can change on a weekly basis, sometimes even daily.
You may waste your time and money if you bid too much on short phrases or regular keywords. Long-tail Keywords are the best way to go. According to Moz, long-tail keywords are composed of 3 or more words related to a specific niche or geographic location. They account for 2/3 of your search traffic. Take into consideration the make and model of the cars that you sell, the services that you offer, and your location. This brings us to the next topic.
Location Targeting
People prefer to buy cars near them. You don’t want to waste money showing ads in California if your dealership is in New York. Google allows you to choose where your ads will be displayed. Start with a range of 100 miles from your city, but not more. The majority of people won’t drive beyond a few miles to purchase a vehicle.
Text Ads
Google will display the content of your text ads. You want to maximize the space you have. This is where you can let your creativity flow.
You’ll want to grab the attention of users in this area. This is the area where you’ll want users to pay attention.
Each headline can be up to 30 characters long.
Display URL
Change the display of your URL to help users understand where they’ll be taken when they click it.
Use the description of your dealership to highlight any current sales or vehicles.
There are two descriptions of 90 characters each.
When you start using Google Ads to promote your dealership, it can be difficult to determine how to bid. You may not see your ads on Google until after you have figured it out. But there’s no need to panic. Set your bids at $1.00 to $2.00 per click to begin with and then adjust. Google has a feature where it automatically adjusts your bids based on the highest bid. We don’t recommend that you start with this option.
Ad Rank
Your Ad Rank will determine the position of your advertisement. Google determines your ad ranking based on your bid amount, your ad’s quality, and the context in which the search was conducted. Ad Rank is a measure of the cost and likelihood that your ad appears first in Google’s Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). It is important to spend time creating relevant, quality ads in order to achieve a higher Ad Rank.
You don’t have the time or patience to manage a Google Ads Campaign? We can do all the work! AutoJini has been named a Premier Google Partner. We have access to additional features and support from Google because of our expertise with Google Ads. Call or email us today if you need help with your Google Ads Campaign! We will be happy to assist you in getting started, provide you with a PPC Audit, or manage your Ads for you so that you can focus on your business.