Many things can make you feel drained. An unbalanced meal, a long workday, or spending too much time around others are just a few. Even though your battery isn’t likely to attend many social events in its free time, it can still feel drained by other factors.
What causes a car battery to drain?
A dead battery is annoying but can also be prevented. You must first understand what causes a dead car battery. Put those jumper cables away and look at these seven reasons your car’s battery is always dying.
You left your headlights on
Check your lights first if your battery is draining. Most newer cars have automatic headlights that turn off after some time. If your vehicle does not have this feature, the headlights will stay on until you turn them off or your battery is completely depleted.
Something is causing a “parasitic draw.”
Your battery powers your alarm system, radio, and clock even when your car is turned off. The battery shouldn’t be affected by these things. When the vehicle is off, interior lights, door lights, and even bad relays can drain the battery.
The alternator charges the battery while your engine is running. This is why you don’t need to worry about your battery dying when you blast the radio while driving to work. When the engine is turned off, the alternator cannot recharge the battery. This allows minor electrical problems to drain the battery completely. A parasitic draw is a term used to describe battery strain that results from these electrical mishaps.
To avoid parasitic pulls, turn off all lights, and your trunk, glovebox, and doors are closed and latched before leaving the vehicle.
Your battery connections are loose or damaged
Over time, your battery’s positive and negative terminals may become loose. They may also become corroded. If your terminals are loose or corroded, you may need help starting your vehicle. This is because your battery cannot correctly transmit power. The car could even damage electronic components or stall while driving. Cleaning the battery terminals regularly helps prevent corrosion problems. Come to your local Firestone Complete Auto Care if you need help cleaning the battery terminals.
It’s Very hot or cold outside
Batteries can be affected by extreme temperatures, such as those experienced in winter and summer. Newer batteries tend to be more resistant to extreme temperatures. If your battery is old, extreme cold or heat can cause it to lose power or even die! Come to Firestone Complete Auto Care if your battery has trouble with the weather. Our auto technicians can diagnose the problem and help resolve it.
The battery is not charging while you drive
When you start your car, the battery is what keeps it charged. When your vehicle is running, the alternator helps keep your battery charged. Your alternator cannot charge your battery correctly if it is malfunctioning. This can make it challenging to start the car, even if it is just being driven.
Your alternator could be the culprit if your car doesn’t start up after you’ve driven. Bring your vehicle to Firestone Complete Auto Care and request an auto diagnostics check.
You need to take fewer short drives
The alternator will recharge your battery as the engine is running. The alternator may be unable to restore your battery properly if you frequently go on short trips, especially if the battery is older. Over time, frequent short drives can reduce the lifespan of your car’s battery.
Your battery is old
Your car’s battery is no exception. Battery life can vary depending on your location and driving habits. Extreme temperatures, frequent short trips, and daily use can reduce the battery’s life to two to three years. It may be time to replace your battery if it dies rapidly, even after you jumpstart the car.
Check and replace your battery
Are you tired of using jumper cables whenever you want to start your vehicle? Have your battery checked for free by a Firestone complete auto care near you. You’ll know how long your battery has left and how healthy it is. Our Complete Battery and Electrical System Check can also help identify the problem if your battery is drained. If it’s the right time to replace your battery, we will install a high-quality replacement battery.